Curve Suite
At the core of my work is the manipulation of curves and splines, to assist me I have developed a suite of different curve tools that do seemingly small tasks, but together combine into great complexity. The entire suite is designed with the idea that every tool can be stacked on a previous one, rather than having one big complex standalone tool
This is an ever growing suite, that speeds up working with flowers and organic repetitive shapes tremendously. The suite is mostly designed by the use of Vex, and rig transformations
CreateSpiral: Create spiral lets the user create a variety of different spirals, ranging from archmidean to Euler spirals
VaryLength: Varies the length of all the curves that are input. The minimal length can be set, and uses a seed to randomize the output
MultipleSinWave: Takes a group of curves, and applies a sin-wave to the length of the individual curves. Creating interesting wave patterns
AddSpiral/ AddAngle: lets the user add an aditional curve to an excisting curve. Either through parametric settings, or a custom made python UI
AddTwist: Adds a twist to a group of curves, giving them a sense of 3 dimensionality. The twist is pased on a sin-wave that can be adjusted by changing ramps frequencies and amplitudes.
CreateMould: Creates a mold silhouette based on the input curve. The silhouette can be used in sweeps and others ways to generate geometry
Multiple: Creates blends between two curves. It uses rigging and transformation blends to create aesthetic interpolation
MultipleRotate: Rotates a group of curves around {0,0,0}. Supports both an angle-input and phyllo-taxis. Settings influence the rotation angle, and distance from center.
CreateFan: Create a fan out of a single curve. Comes with parameters to create interesting rotations and shapes
MultipleOffset: Offsets a group of curves along x,y,z axis. Can be used to add an additional sense of depth. The offset is controlled by ramps, and can be randomized through a seed value
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+31 (0) 642481265